TIAN Jun-feng, LIU Yan-jun, FU Zhan-hui, WANG Bin-yan |
School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China |
Abstract The Ha-da giant urban belt is the most important cities concentrated distribution area in the northeast of our country, so its healthy development determines the "revitalization of the northeast old industrial base" strategy in our country, and the explore to the factors of agglomeration and spatial polarization trend have important meaning to eveal the interaction between urban space and its formation mechanism in northeast China. Nowdays, most of the study explore the regional economic polarization and space differences by using single index, the study about spatial polarization under the action of the multi-factor comprehensive is less, the driver about polarization of multi-factor space also needs to step in to investigate.This paper study the big giant within internal elements of urban agglomeration, the degree of differentiation and spatial pattern of polarization, mainly from the perspectives of comprehensive factors of agglomeration, and to explore the influence factors of its space polarization analysis. On the basis of defining the concept of the space polarization, we apply the evenness index, the Gini coefficient, Cui Wang index to analysis the urban agglomeration degree of differentiation characteristics and spatial pattern of polarization, the conclusions are as follows: 1) From 1990 to 2014, time and space differentiation of the element agglomeration degree in the big giant urban belt is obvious, and the "Core-periphery" structure lead by the central city, like Harbin Changchun Shenyang Dalian, is gradually appearing; 2) There are significant spatial polarization for element agglomeration in the giant urban belt. The "four cities"dominated the space polarization of the city belt; 3) The internal force is the main factor for the space polarization of the city belt,while urban development investment intensity and the inner attractive of the city also have significant influence on the urban space polarization.
Received: 25 November 2015
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丁悦,蔡建明,任周鹏,等.基于地理探测器的国家级经济技术开发 区经济增长率空间分异及影响因素[J].地理科学进展,2014,33(5): 657-666. [Ding Yue, Cai Jianming, Ren Zhoupeng, et al. Spatial disparities of economic growth rate of China's National-level ETDZs and their determinants based on geographical detector analysis[J]. Progress in Geography, 2014,33(5):657-666.]
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黄馨.哈大城市走廊演变机理与功能优化研究[D].长春:东北师范 大学, 2011. [Huang Xin. Analysis of Evolution Mechanism and Function Optimization of Harbin-Dalian Urban Corridor[D]. Chang Chun: Northeast Normal University, 2011.]
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毕硕本,计晗,陈昌春,等.地理探测器在史前聚落人地关系研究中 的应用与分析[J].地理科学进展,2014,34(1):118-127. [Bi Shuoben, Ji Han, Chen Changchun, et al. Application of geographical detector in human-environment relationship study of prehistoric settlements[J]. Progress in Geography, 2014,34(1):118-127.]